Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today I am thankful... {for florida} & thanksgiving plans

Today I am thankful for Florida. 
Okay, not really the state of Florida but the opportunity to be here. 
I complain about it a lot because I really miss home
by home I mean Utah and my family. 
However, I am really grateful for the path that led us to Florida. 
I am thankful for the University seeing how incredible my sweet husband is
and offering him a fabulous place to be educated. 
I am thankful for the way we have to rely on each other so much more
now that we don't have our families a few miles away. 
It is going to be a long four years but I am thankful for this opportunity. 
And let's be real... I am thankful for the continual sunshine here too!

Thanks to everyone with your input on our Thanksgiving plans.
I found another fabulous groupon deal at a hotel in Jacksonville. 
So tomorrow morning we are headed out to the beach 
and then spending the night at a hotel.
I am so excited to take a bath at the hotel- our apt doesn't have a tub hahaha
Our sweet friends invited us to a Thanksgiving potluck meal with a bunch of people
so we will be coming back Thursday for that.
And yes, we will be sneaking in some black friday shopping too.
(one of my facebook friends posted a picture of tents lined up at the local best buy..
really? what is this world coming to? I love Black Friday but really?)
Yep, we fit everything in and it was only $70 for the hotel. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving...
if you need me, this is where I will be


  1. Looks like you'll be having a fun great Thanksgiving! At least for being away from family. And I love your new header, PS. Super cute!

  2. that sounds like it will be fun!
    also, your new header is cute!


  3. You can come trade me spots for a week! I would glady take a little vacation to Florida. ;) Also, we have the same swim suit! I love it!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Seems like you are going to have a spectacular thanksgiving!

  5. hi. i'm following the GFC blog hop. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it


    new follower bev

  6. perfect! happy thanksgiving, love you! i'll tell utah hi for you! xoxo

  7. New follower from the Follower to Friend Hop. I've ben searching around your page and love it! Excited to read more.

  8. Lost this post. I know exactly how you feel. My relationship with John is so much stronger bc we only have each other. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Have a wonderful/safe Thanksgiving!!!!

  10. New follower from the blog-hop -- where in Florida are you? Jacksonville or are you just staying there? I'm from Southeast Florida (Boca area) and we're spending our Thanksgiving up in the Orlando area! Not as fun as the Jax beaches, though! So good to meet you -- have a great holiday!

  11. Enjoy every second of the beach...we're at the beach too!!

  12. OH happy happy thanksgiving to you-- wishing you a long soak in the tub. =)


    We've got this amazing team hosting An Aloha Affair so that we can all gather and share and mingle with other beautiful creatives over the next few days. You are personally invited to join us, if you please.


  13. So sweet! :) Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Hope it was wonderful {although I don't think it could ever not be if it was spent at the beach!!}


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