Friday, November 23, 2012

Bloggers for Christmas LINK UP... be excited.

We had the most fabulous Thanksgiving. 
We were blessed to spend a night away in Jacksonville, 
have a delicious dinner with friends and skype with our families. 
I want to write all about it... hopefully this weekend. 
Or maybe next week because I have some exciting things coming up
including my very first giveaway. I am stoked. 
For now, I want to introduce you to a fabulous new link-up
 I will be co-hosting every Friday until Christmas. 
Claudia, over at Lashes and Beard came up with this genius idea
and I love everything about it. 
So I will let her take it away....
{and don't forget to LINK UP}

The other day, I saw a post on Facebook from a popular blogger... and to be honest, my heart sank a little when I read it. She asked her readers if she should use "Christmas" or "Holidays" in the title of a series she's writing, because she thought it might be weird/offensive to say "Christmas." Seeing this made me do some heart-checking of my own.

I realized that the "fear of man" is rampant in the blogging world, and so often we can be tempted to sacrifice voicing our Christian faith out of fear that we will lose readers, decrease our traffic, or that we'll receive hurtful and negative comments. After reading Isaiah 51:7, and having a particularly difficult time finding Christmas cards that actually say "Christmas" on them... anywhere... I felt emboldened. I want to share my faith this Christmas season with one simple act: saying "Christmas" instead of the vague alternatives, like "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings." I want to shine some light.

And I'd like to invite you all to join in - every week through December!

"Bloggers for Christmas" is a weekly link-up for y'all to share anything Christmas-related. Whether it's a new Christmas dish you're preparing, a favorite Christmas memory, or a deep look at Christ's love for us during this time celebrating his birth - whatever it is - share it! We just ask that you join us in upholding the "reason for the season" by being a Blogger for Christmas.

Bloggers for Christmas
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Bloggers for Christmas" width="200" height="75" /></a>

So let's get this party started! 

Luckily, the Rules are Simple:

1. Follow your Hosts via GFC.

2. Add the "Bloggers for Christmas" badge to your sidebar or post - you can get the code from the grab box above.

3. Link up using your main blog URL -or- the URL to a specific Christmas-related blog post.

4. Spread the Christmas cheer and visit some other links! Follow on GFC/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Etc. and feel free to leave encouraging comments!

Thanks for linking up with us, and be sure to come back next week! Bloggers for Christmas link-ups will be held every Friday through December.


  1. I love this idea! New follower.

    Jill @ And Life Goes On

  2. I love this idea and anything related to Christmas! I will be linking up because I'm actually hosting a Christmas link up of my own called the 25 Days of Christmas. I'm going to post the 1st 25 days of December about something Christmas related and people can link up their Christmas related posts whenever they have one. I love spreading Christmas cheer!


  3. I love this idea too! I will be linking up by the end of today hopefully. :)

  4. I love this. It does make me a little bit sad to get fussed at for saying Merry Christmas. It is Christmas, dangit! I think especially around the holidays, the church/state issues are taken a little too far. Good for you for taking a stand against "the man!" Love your blog :)

    xoxo Mason

  5. I send out "happy holidays" or "seasons greetings" cards because my husband and I both celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. Both of our families are blended, which is extremely common where I live -- actually, I live in a predominately Jewish area near Boca Raton. I think all but a few of my friends are Jewish and the ones that aren't, well, they're still half! So I say "happy holidays" not to mute anyone's Christmas spirit, but to cover my bases and wish someone something relevant to them! I don't find anyone wishing me a Merry Christmas offensive, but I do decorate my house in "happy holidays" decor because I live in a blended area and want to wish someone a happy whatever it is they celebrate! So, I don't know if I can participate in this link-up...I will be celebrating Christmas, but also Hanukkah, so I might be guilty of saying "happy holidays" to keep things easy. No offense meant when I say this!

    1. I mean I don't want to offend you if I say happy holidays or make you think I'm trying to ditch Christmas -- I promise I'm not!!!! LOVE Christmastime, but I also love Hanukkah! I love the HOLIDAYS! (See my dilemma?! LOL!)

  6. This is such a great idea! I can't wait! I think we all need to be understanding of all of the different holidays. This meaning that if someone says "merry christmas" we shouldn't be offending, same as if someone chooses to say happy holidays we shouldn't judge them for not saying christmas. It's all about being understanding of one another.

  7. :) This is perfect because I just wrote a Christmas-y post! How fun! I am a new follower, first time visitor. Your post with the glasses made me giggle... how much fun you were having... too much ;)


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)