We all know the best thing about the blogging world is all the amazing people in it!
I started this blog when we were first married but I decided to become a 'blogger' about three months ago.
These ladies have all been so friendly and I have loved getting to know each of them!
I asked them four questions in order for you lovely readers to get to know them a little better:
1. Tell me about you and your blog.
2. What is your favorite part of Christmas?
3. All I want for Christmas is...
4. What is your favorite gift you are giving this year?
I hope you will all go visit these lovely ladies and give them some lovin'
and tell them I sent you :)
1. I write about my blessed life married to a medical school student and a new little baby on the way. There are so many difficult things in life that we could all focus on, but I choose to focus on the positive because it ALWAYS outweighs the negative. I love blogging because I keep my family and friends updated on our life even if I can't talk to them as much as I would like.
2. My favorite part about Christmas is ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING: making Christmas treats, the lights, the music, and family.
3. All I want for Christmas is to be with all my siblings, and it looks like that might just happen!
4. My favorite gift I'm giving to my husband is a new baby girl :)

2. My favorite part about Christmas is ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING: making Christmas treats, the lights, the music, and family.
3. All I want for Christmas is to be with all my siblings, and it looks like that might just happen!
4. My favorite gift I'm giving to my husband is a new baby girl :)

1. I blog to share all my favorite things. Food, Crafts, and Digital Designs are some of the things you can find on my blog!
2. My absolute favorite part of Christmas is celebrating the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am thankful to be able to celebrate his life during this wonderful time of year!
3. All I want for Christmas is a Silhouette Cameo. I have wanted one for years and know I could do amazing things with it! Hopefully Santa follows through.
4. My favorite gift I am giving this year is probably a customized jewelry necklace for my Mother. It will have all of her grandkids birthstones on it! I can't wait!

2. My absolute favorite part of Christmas is celebrating the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am thankful to be able to celebrate his life during this wonderful time of year!
3. All I want for Christmas is a Silhouette Cameo. I have wanted one for years and know I could do amazing things with it! Hopefully Santa follows through.
4. My favorite gift I am giving this year is probably a customized jewelry necklace for my Mother. It will have all of her grandkids birthstones on it! I can't wait!

1. Blogging is such a personable way to get to know people and for others to know you. There are blogs I've followed for years, and even though I've never talked to those women, I feel like they are a part of my life and their stories have lifted my spirits, and made me a better person. So I decided I wanted to let others into my world, let them know who I am and what makes me-me. My blog is centered around fashion, cooking, and mostly lots of humorous newlywed stories written for your enjoyment because that is who I am-a fashion addict who also happens to be a newlywed, and tries new recipes some times.
2. My favorite part about Christmas is getting together with my family. Since all of my siblings are grown, have families of their own, and live in different places, I hardly see them. But the holidays is the one time when we can get together, act like kids again, and rekindle our relationships.
3. All I want for Christmas is a beautiful snow storm, a good book to read, a real fire blazing in the background, some peppermint hot chocolate, and get cuddled by my husband.
4. My hubs and I aren't big on getting each other gifts, so I think the biggest gift I can give is to serve my family and show them lots of love. So that's what I'll be doing.

2. My favorite part about Christmas is getting together with my family. Since all of my siblings are grown, have families of their own, and live in different places, I hardly see them. But the holidays is the one time when we can get together, act like kids again, and rekindle our relationships.
3. All I want for Christmas is a beautiful snow storm, a good book to read, a real fire blazing in the background, some peppermint hot chocolate, and get cuddled by my husband.
4. My hubs and I aren't big on getting each other gifts, so I think the biggest gift I can give is to serve my family and show them lots of love. So that's what I'll be doing.

1. Happy Joyful Day is a blog about finding joy through trials. It's a place for me document the good and bad times of this journey we call life. I love to write about anything that brings me joy but lately, I've been focusing on serving others. We all can do small things with great love!
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is family! My 88-year-old grandmother announced that she is coming for Christmas this year. My family could not be more thrilled. It'll be the first time in two years that we were all home for Christmas.
3. All I want for Christmas is to be home. I recently moved to Philadelphia (home is in Utah) and have felt a little homesick recently. I can't wait to play with my nieces, have long chats with my mom, make chocolate cookies and play Christmas songs on the piano for hours. I'm flying home on December 17 and cannot wait! The song rings true, "If you want to be happy in a million ways, for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!"
4. My favorite gift that I am giving is a Nook to each of my brothers. I can picture them pulling it out and reading for a few minutes in between their hectic schedules.

2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is family! My 88-year-old grandmother announced that she is coming for Christmas this year. My family could not be more thrilled. It'll be the first time in two years that we were all home for Christmas.
3. All I want for Christmas is to be home. I recently moved to Philadelphia (home is in Utah) and have felt a little homesick recently. I can't wait to play with my nieces, have long chats with my mom, make chocolate cookies and play Christmas songs on the piano for hours. I'm flying home on December 17 and cannot wait! The song rings true, "If you want to be happy in a million ways, for the holidays you can't beat home sweet home!"
4. My favorite gift that I am giving is a Nook to each of my brothers. I can picture them pulling it out and reading for a few minutes in between their hectic schedules.

1. Hi, I'm Veronica and I blog over at Passion, Pink and Pearls where I'm documenting this blessed life I've been given. You'll find crafts, recipes, adventures with my husband, interior design, silly moments, weddingness, alma mater pride, tons of pictures and always the plain beauty of the regular everyday life moments at PP&P.
2. I'd have to say my absolute favorite part of Christmas boils down to a few things, growing up: stockings in my parents bed with my sisters and us all festively dressed in Christmas pajamas, second, participating in Operation Christmas Child, and okay I'll stop on the third, Christmas Eve service at my church, it refreshes my soul and reminds me of the true reason to celebrate this time of year.
3. All I want for Christmas is good, restful, fun time with my husband. That may sound silly but through our dating relationship we never spent a Christmas together, this will be our first. And my sweet man works Saturdays so I only ever get one full day a week with him and I'm looking forward to much more time with him over our days off.
4. I think I'd have to say my sister and sister-in-law gifts because it's something they wouldn't ask for but think they'll love!

2. I'd have to say my absolute favorite part of Christmas boils down to a few things, growing up: stockings in my parents bed with my sisters and us all festively dressed in Christmas pajamas, second, participating in Operation Christmas Child, and okay I'll stop on the third, Christmas Eve service at my church, it refreshes my soul and reminds me of the true reason to celebrate this time of year.
3. All I want for Christmas is good, restful, fun time with my husband. That may sound silly but through our dating relationship we never spent a Christmas together, this will be our first. And my sweet man works Saturdays so I only ever get one full day a week with him and I'm looking forward to much more time with him over our days off.
4. I think I'd have to say my sister and sister-in-law gifts because it's something they wouldn't ask for but think they'll love!

1. I blog because I like talking way too much. And because bloggers are so much fun to share bits of my life with.
2. I love kids at Christmas. There is nothing more precious in the entire world than kids with Christmas lights glimmering in their eyes watching for Rudolph's nose in the sky on Christmas Eve. Nothing at all.
3. For my wedding to be here! Too bad Santa can't make spring come any faster...
4. I'm giving my fiance some new shirts for Christmas that he can wear for our engagement photos... And let me tell you, he's gonna be so cute!

2. I love kids at Christmas. There is nothing more precious in the entire world than kids with Christmas lights glimmering in their eyes watching for Rudolph's nose in the sky on Christmas Eve. Nothing at all.
3. For my wedding to be here! Too bad Santa can't make spring come any faster...
4. I'm giving my fiance some new shirts for Christmas that he can wear for our engagement photos... And let me tell you, he's gonna be so cute!

1. I'm Kaylee over at All Things Bright and Beautiful I started my blog as a journal and its kind of morphed into this monster or random junk about me and my husband, aka The King and I (his name is really King). Stop on over so we can get to know each other better; you'll like it or your money back......... guaranteed.
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is the fact that I get to sit around and be with my family. Eating, opening gifts that we carefully picked for each other and getting high off of candy and lights.
3. All I want for Christmas is.... a new house. We live in a tiny studio cottage that's less than 500 sq. ft. I want any house with more than one room.
4. My favorite gift I'm giving this year is a stocking. It's my first year to go all out for my husband and stocking were my favorite. I love picking out all the little goodies to fill the stocking with!
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is the fact that I get to sit around and be with my family. Eating, opening gifts that we carefully picked for each other and getting high off of candy and lights.
3. All I want for Christmas is.... a new house. We live in a tiny studio cottage that's less than 500 sq. ft. I want any house with more than one room.
4. My favorite gift I'm giving this year is a stocking. It's my first year to go all out for my husband and stocking were my favorite. I love picking out all the little goodies to fill the stocking with!
1. Hi friends! My name is Sierra and I blog over at Oh, Just Living the Dream . I am a turn-off-the-alarm-7-times person in the morning, a 4th Grade teacher by day, and an avid movie lover by night. I love to travel the world and teach! So far I have been to Kenya, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Fiji and Hawaii with many more travels on the way! I blog about the inner workings of life--love, heartbreak, God, teaching, family, traveling, and just life in general! Come stop by! There is never a dull day. Ever. A lot of laughs and a lot of fun are had! Plus, I'm super funny....kind of...
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is being able to act out the Nativity with my family on Christmas Eve--and all the celebrations of Christmas Eve: the food, the music, the traditions, etc. . I was the angel last year. As you can tell. Fail.
3. All I want for Christmas is 4 Ipads in my classroom for my students to use... haha!
4. My favorite gift I am giving someone this year is a handmade scrapbook to a very special male. I'm so crafty. That's why I blog. Duh.

2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is being able to act out the Nativity with my family on Christmas Eve--and all the celebrations of Christmas Eve: the food, the music, the traditions, etc. . I was the angel last year. As you can tell. Fail.
3. All I want for Christmas is 4 Ipads in my classroom for my students to use... haha!
4. My favorite gift I am giving someone this year is a handmade scrapbook to a very special male. I'm so crafty. That's why I blog. Duh.

Blog : Facebook : Bloglovin'
1. Hey there! I'm Kera and I blog at Nugget on a Budget. I write about the normal {and sometimes crazy} happenings in my everyday life as a stay-at-home mom to a one-year-old and her puppy brother. I began my blog as a way to document my daughter's life {she's the Nugget}, but it has become SO much more! I'm constantly being inspired by others and I've gained many great friendships and support through the blogging community. I love it.
2. Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations. I loved helping my mom and sister put the ornaments on our tree growing up, and now I love putting the ornaments on our own tree. I hope to make this a special tradition with my daughter when she is old enough to help me. I also love spending time with family and watching White Christmas.
3. A day out shopping with my mom and my sister. No time limits. Even if I didn't buy anything, that time spent together is worth it. I love going on shopping trips with them and I rarely get to do this since we don't live close to each other.
4. Actually, my parents are giving a play kitchen to Sofia for Christmas. I know she'll love it since she's always getting into MY kitchen :). But...the best gift that I'M giving has to be the coat that my hubby has been drooling over for the past few months. He's had it in the online "shopping bag" of the store for forever. It's originally more expensive than what our budget allows for, but I ended up getting a super sweet deal on it on Cyber Monday. He definitely doesn't expect this gift {and he always tells me I never surprise him} so I can't wait to see his face!

1. Love, The Skinnys is a blog written mostly by me, Deidre, with a weekly post from the man in my life. We blog about life. About marriage. About jokes. About experiences. And about anything in between. It's an American love story about a pageant girl and a baseball player.
2. My absolute favorite part of Christmas is decorating. Besides the traditional decorating the tree with family (and it is my first Christmas decorating a tree with a husband!), I love pulling out all my nativity sets to put around the home.
3. All I want for Christmas is a new camera lens! Now that I am finally getting this photography thing down I want a fun new lens to play with.
4. My favorite gift I am giving this year is.... man. I wish I could tell you but I am nervous my husband will somehow find this post and read it. You will have to swing by my blog post Christmas to find out what it is :) I am excited because he really wanted it and I got a smashing deal before Black Friday ads came out!

2. My absolute favorite part of Christmas is decorating. Besides the traditional decorating the tree with family (and it is my first Christmas decorating a tree with a husband!), I love pulling out all my nativity sets to put around the home.
3. All I want for Christmas is a new camera lens! Now that I am finally getting this photography thing down I want a fun new lens to play with.
4. My favorite gift I am giving this year is.... man. I wish I could tell you but I am nervous my husband will somehow find this post and read it. You will have to swing by my blog post Christmas to find out what it is :) I am excited because he really wanted it and I got a smashing deal before Black Friday ads came out!

1. I'm a proud wife, adoring momma to a Fur Baby, cupcake lover, DIY crafter, passionate blogger, and most importantly, Jesus worshipper.
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is reading Luke 2 from the Bible before we dive into presents and food. It's a tradition I can't wait to pass on to our kiddos.
3. All I want for Christmas is....to be with the people that mean the most to me, watch their faces light up as they unwrap their gifts, and of course I'd like to open a brand spankin' new MacBook Pro.
4. My favorite gift I'm giving this year? That's tough. Considering I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do. I can guarantee it will be something I give to my Mr. Not exactly sure what that will be, yet.
2. My absolute favorite part about Christmas is reading Luke 2 from the Bible before we dive into presents and food. It's a tradition I can't wait to pass on to our kiddos.
3. All I want for Christmas is....to be with the people that mean the most to me, watch their faces light up as they unwrap their gifts, and of course I'd like to open a brand spankin' new MacBook Pro.
4. My favorite gift I'm giving this year? That's tough. Considering I have a lot of Christmas shopping to do. I can guarantee it will be something I give to my Mr. Not exactly sure what that will be, yet.
Now go give them all some lovin' :)
Ps. Promise I am not going to change my blog again for a while...
at least until New Years, what do you think??
I love it! Thanks for the shout out!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm loving the new blog look... it's so cute and fun! So much personality--especially in that picture at the top. :)
What's in a Name?
What a cool post and great way to share great bloggers and hopefully increase traffic to their sites! I'll be checking them out! Check out my blog if you can? I follow you now and would love a follow back!
ReplyDeletexx Kelly
love it Sarah Jane! Thanks so much :) I love your new blog design!!!
ReplyDeleteLoving the new design!