Sunday, November 18, 2012

Today I am thankful... {for wisdom}

Today I am truly thankful for my faith. 
There are so many parts of what I believe that I am thankful for
but I think I would like to share one specific thing.  
I am thankful to know I am a daughter of God. 
I am thankful to know he has a special plan for me. 
I am thankful to know that my self-worth is so great in His eyes. 
This knowledge helps me to stay strong and true. 
I truly believe without this wisdom I would not be where I am today. 
If you are reading this, I want you to know that you are a child of a loving God. 
Your worth is so great. 
This knowledge will bless you each and every day of your life. 


  1. I'm thankful for my faith, as well. I am thankful for the Prophet being in town today and the opportunity to see the Boise Temple rededicated. Man that is awesome!


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