Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today I am thankful for... {my family}

 {this picture was taken last Christmas- nephew #2 was still cookin}

I have always been thankful for my family
but there is just something about moving away from your family 
that makes you even more thankful for all they do for you. 

Dad, I am thankful for the tears you shed when we say goodbye, it shows me you love me so much. 
Mom, thank you for being my best friend. I feel like I can tell you anything. 
Melanie, thank you for letting me be your mini-me. I look up to you in every way. 
Carly, thank you for always being so supportive in everything I do. You are always so encouraging. 
Sam, I am thankful for your capability to always put a smile on my face. 
Taylor, Spencer, & Christy- thank you for being the perfect addition to our family. 
We wouldn't be complete with out you guys. 
Grace, Jackson & Brady- I am so thankful for the constant giggles I get to hear from each of you-
 they always make my day. 

I could go on forever about how thankful I am for each one of my family members. 
They are all so incredible and they each do so much for me. 
Basically I have the best family ever.
I am so thankful I get to be with them for eternity. 
And I cannot wait to see all of them in just one short month!

Incase you didn't read the blog yesterday
I am dedicating the next week to gratitude 
because there is so much for each us to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. This made me cry. Happy tears though! We have the best family in the world. And I have the best sisters in the world. I love you Janie!

  2. What a great family you have, and what a sweet dedication. Today, I am thankful that it is Friday and I have a whole week off of work next week to spend with family. Yeah!

  3. Such a sweet post. Families are the greatest thing we have, so we HAVE to be thankful for them. Thanks for the sweet posts about being thankful. Great reminder of whats REALLY important.

  4. Aww! I love this. Such a sweet idea. My mom is my best friend too! Aren't moms the best?!

  5. Awww, I am thankful for my family too. But I should probably be more thankful every day and show them how much I appreciate it them. It is difficult when you live far away, and that's always been the case for me...-Jessica L


  6. Such a cute photo of the family!!

  7. Loved this. Can't wait for you to come home! I miss you so much!


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