Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pumpkin bread, debates and the International Phonetic Alphabet

Last night, we pretended it was Fall at our place. 
I made a delicious loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip bread. 
It tasted divine and reminded me of home and my mother's incredible baking. 

We also enjoyed studying together for Dave's first big test tomorrow. 
we studied the International Phonetic Alphabet..
never heard of it? me neither.
And I tried to say words in spanish and he would give me the definition..
vice versa. 
[I don't think my spanish helped much]
He is such a hard worker- I love that about him. 
He even took his notes in the shower with him...
wrapped up in a ziploc bag so he could study them.  
genius? I think so. 

we cozied up and watched the debate together 
[Romney 2012!]
I was very pleased with Romney's performance. 

Yay for nights at home
enjoying each other's company. 


  1. This looks delicious! I am LOVING fall!!

  2. That bread looks so yummy! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm excited to be a new follower!

  3. That bread looks so fantastically amazing. If you could come make that for me, that'd be great. K, thanks!!! ;)


  4. aw sounds so fun - and studying in the shower? really dave? haha :)
    pumpkin bread looks delicious!

  5. the debate was pretty intense, romney ripped obama a new one

  6. that looks SO good!! I need to make that!

  7. that bread looks delicious!! I want to make some!

  8. Drooling over that pumpkin chocolate chip bread! And I actually payed attention to the debate this year for once. Not quite sure what's more interesting - how intense it got between the candidates or how little I know about... everything. Hah ;)

  9. I didn't get to watch the debate last night but we recorded it. I'm with ya Romney 2012!

  10. i need that pumpkin bread in my belly!

  11. IPA is fun! Very useful. Even though I disagree about Romney, we can still be friends. =)


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