Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I want to climb a mountain.

Dave is big into rock climbing. 
For out first date, we went rock climbing. 
When he proposed, we were rock climbing. 
We rock climb on every one of his birthdays.
You better believe we took a month off of work before moving to Florida
to rock climb 5-6 days a week. 

Florida has NO mountains. 
I miss my mountains like crazy. 
I used to complain all the time about how much we went climbing. 
It literally was 4-5 times a week
a minimum of three hours each time
(saturdays it would be around 6-8 hours)
I complain about how much I miss it. 
The gym just isn't the same as real rock. 
Climbing has become one of my passions.
It really is a therapeutic experience for me. 
My husband is AMAZING at it. 
And we really enjoy having something we like to do together. 

Anywho, I thought I would share some of my favorite climbing pictures with you
in honor of my strong desire to be in those mountains right now!

  St. George, utah

Echo Canyon, Utah

 Moe's Valley Boulders- St. George, Utah

 American Fork Canyon, Utah

 American Fork Canyon, Utah

Big Cottonwood Canyon, Utah

What is one of your passions?


  1. Hello Sarah! Found you at the Followers to Friends Blog Hop. You have a really nice blog, liked it a lot so I'm following ^^
    Hope you can make some time to visit my blog too and have a look around. Have a great day xx
    N O I R E D A M E

  2. rock climbing sounds like so much fun, but i'm a little too afraid of height to even try it!

  3. sarj you are the coolest! that first picture is amazing! love that you have taken up something your hubby loves so you can do it together! miss you, sorry i comment on ALL your posts! XO

  4. that looks terrifying. I'd love to try it though! :) I've grown a passion for biking, thanks to my dear husband.

  5. I could never rock climb. I don't think I have the strength or GUTS to get it done. But, I will look at your pictures and just imagine. Maybe a trip to Utah would be in order to get your climb on...

  6. This post makes me so jealous. I haven't gone climbing in almost a month! I want to get back out there!

  7. Thanks for stopping by! I'm a new follower! I tried rock climbing once.. super exciting but omg sooo hard!

  8. Wow! Get it girl! Ohio is pretty darn flat too, and though I was never into rock climbing, I can imagine I would miss it if I had to leave it all of the sudden.

  9. Wow! You guys really do love to go rock climbing! Haha I've never been. But I'm also not a huge fan of heights so I probably won't try it either ;)

    Loving your blog! Thanks for your sweet comment on mine!


  10. i've never been rockclimbing, but definitely want to try it out someday!

  11. looks super amazing!



  12. Wow that looks crazy! I can't wait to read more.

  13. WOW! Your muscles look AMAZING!!!! I've never tried rock climbing before but you've definitely inspired me to think about it!!

  14. wow!! u are hardcore!
    thanks for following me, i'm following u back!<3

  15. My husband totally wants me to be his rock climbing partner, I'm such a chicken though! I do want to give it a try one day!

  16. I have never been rock climbing. There are no mountains in Louisiana either. I would like to one day though.

  17. hello adorable blog! thank you for the follow. i couldn't help but follow back :)

  18. Wow, I am totally impressed with these photos! I would totally be scared if I was trying anything like that.

    I am still trying to figure out what my passions are. I think a lot of them are teaching related.

  19. Hi, I'm a new follower :) Its so cool that your into rock climbing! You must see some amazing sights. I would love for you to hop over to my blog and maybe follow along!


  20. Go girl!! That's amazing!

    I'd love to give rock climbing a try but I live in Louisiana and I have a fear of heights.

  21. Dang, you go girl! Also, thank you for all your sweet comments on my blog! :)


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)