Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hey Sister, Sister

(don't mind my peach in the background)
I have the best sisters in the world. 
But really, I do. My oldest sister sent me this beautiful photo of the four of us, my favorite part is you can't even tell which one is the sister-in-law, she was the missing piece to our sisterhood.  I love each one of these amazing women for so many different reasons. They are the most incredible women I know. Being the youngest, I am so grateful for all they have taught me and continue to teach me. I can't think of three women I know that better display examples of Christ-like attributes. They are always so filled with love and compassion and I am grateful for their example. I love these women so much. I haven't been away from home for long, but being away from family makes me realize how much I rely on their love and support in my life. Even being thousands of miles apart, these women always know how to brighten my day.  Thank you for all you do for me. And a special thank you for being the best sisters I could have ever hoped for. I love you!

Aren't sisters the best??


  1. This post warms my heart. I'm the oldest and I hope to be the example your sisters were/are for you. I have two sisters and a younger brother (all between 16 and 19) but don't have a real band with them, unfortunately. I would love to see things different, but yeah... I don't really know how.

  2. this is so sweet! i have 3 amazing sisters and 3 amazing sister in laws and i'm so grateful for the relationship i have with each of them

  3. Sisters are seriously the best. Don't know what I would do without mine!

  4. I am so jealous you have sisters! I have four brothers.... always wanted at least one sister! ha. xo

  5. Love it! My sister and I are 9 years apart, but we are closer than ever!! I love that my own girls are 3 years apart...nothing better than a sister's love and friendship! So sweet!

  6. I love having sisters! So fun to get to have TWO of them :)!

  7. ahh what a gorgeous group of sisters! you are lucky to have them in your life

  8. Sisters are the best hands down! I have one sister (no brothers) and I'm not sure what I would do without her. Especially since she still sends me her hand-me-downs. I mean really, what are sisters for? ;)

  9. Sisters really are the best! They are like built-in best friends who have to love you!

  10. Thank you for your sweet comment and for following! Following you right back!

  11. thanks for stopping by and following! I wish i had sisters!!

  12. I have 1 sister and I can't imagine not having one! Now following back!

  13. You four are so beautiful! I have one sister and I love her to death. They really are the best! Following you now, love your blog!



    Southern (California) Belle

    Enter to win my Benefit cosmetics giveaway!

  14. Dying over your header. That wedding pic! Ahhhhh! I shall be your 100th follower!

  15. Love this!! I have a younger sister and we are definitely best friends!


  16. this post is so sweet! my sister is 12 years older than me and we only recently got super close. but its the best!!!! xox

  17. Sisters really are the greatest. I'm the youngest too! Wahoo!

    Amanda @

  18. I have a sister and brother. Both are fantastic siblings, but I am closer to my sister. They truly are a gift from above.

    I'm the youngest too. :)


  19. It must be so much fun to have three sisters! Not going to lie, I'm a little jealous.

  20. Oh man! How cute are we!? I appreciate your kind words and considering me a blood sister... because I feel like it! I miss you and I regret not hanging out with you more while you were still in Utah. I love you to death!


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