Wednesday, September 19, 2012

chinese food please

I don't know about you. But I love chinese food. 
I always would look for good recipes but nothing ever turned out for me. 
However, since we moved to Gainesville
I have been trying some new stuff and I found a delicious recipe. 
Be excited.

Chinese Honey Chicken
 This is the photo of the batch I made tonight. 
I didn't have everything in the recipe
so I left a few things out
and it still tasted fabulous!
Also, I just use one chicken breast
for the two of us. 
Recipe here

For the side, I made a batch of 
Fried Rice
to go with it. 
This recipe is simple. 
frozen peas and carrots. 
chopped onion.
soy sauce.
All in a frying pan. 

dinner for two. 
and a happy husband too.

Do you ever make homemade chinese food?
What is your favorite dish?


  1. Mmm, delicious! I love making honey soy sauce chicken, so this is right up my alley:)

  2. Okay. This looks so good. I am going to have to make it asap. love the blog. New follower here!

    ♥ Deidre
    Love, The Skinnys

  3. YUMMO! I love me some Chinese Food!!! Which reminds me, I haven't had it in awhile...thanks for getting my taste buds warmed up for it!!! This looks divine!

  4. this looks delish!
    Ill have to try next week!

  5. I'm pretty sure I could eat Chinese food every day. My favorite is PF Chang's lo mein.

  6. I love chinese food!! My husband and I have made a habit of getting chinese takeout at least once every other week. Usually when I make it at home it's just some kind of easy stir-fry. Or this twice-cooked pork recipe that I love. this honey chicken looks delicious!! I'll have to try it!

  7. you could come over and make me chinese food anytime :) looks declious!

  8. okay that turned out delicious! I can tell :-)
    to turn comment verification off I believe it's under settings then comments.... I'll have to look on it later :)

  9. i love chinese food too. and this looks super good!!! my stomach's growling just looking at it.

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  10. Homemade Chinese food?! That looks so good!!! Thanks for some more great recipes :)

  11. yum sarj! once again impressing me with the cooking skills! love our blogs haha XO

  12. Yum! This looks so good. We love Chinese food too and nothing I make ever turns out! I think I might copy you! :)

  13. Chinese food is specially famous for the noodles with the different variety.and they use lot of vegetables which is healthy for the body their food is cooked on a high flame which looks amazing after cooking...

    King House Chinese Food

  14. That looks so good! Even though I'm vegan, Chinese food still allures me - esp. sweet and sour chicken and egg rolls.

  15. Looks yummy! I used to hate Chinese food but I like it now. Mostly sweet and sour chicken and egg rolls.

  16. oh gosh, homemade chinese food sounds delicious right about now!!!
    xo TJ

  17. Wow, this looks amazing!! I'm your newest follower and loving your blog too!

  18. Yummmm! Your fried rice looks amazing!! :)


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