Saturday, September 1, 2012

GATOR bait

we went to our very first Gator game today!
let's just say it was 90 degrees with 80% humidity. 
we saw two different people faint from heat exhaustion! 
we really enjoyed the game!
I think it will be really easy to become a Gator fan...
everyone is decked out!
We left at half time because we were melting. . . 
but we are starting to learn the cheers...

when the opponent gets a penalty everyone yells
'get back, you suck!'
and they also yell
'gator bait!'
at some point... 
nobody knows the school song either!
(i seriously wanted to started singing
'rise and shout the cougars are out!')

I love that they call it 'THE SWAMP'

Dave doing the gator chomp

All decked out in the BLUE and ORANGE!

the stadium is HUGE. 
I felt like I was at an NFL game..
even though I have never been to one. 
it was crazy!

Here is to becoming a Gator!
Don't worry BYU. 
I still bleed blue. 
just a little orange now too.

1 comment:

  1. SO fun! i'm jealous you get to be football fans at such a good football school..almost as good as the U! haha love you.


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