Friday, August 31, 2012

Baking craze

I quit my job the first day. 
Long story, short. 
It was not at all what I expected it to be. 
I was definitely misled in how it was represented. 
back to being a good ole house wife!
It is really important to me to try to have Dave come home 
to a homemade meal. 
He is working so hard in school!

I have been really enjoying cooking/baking new things.
Dave was really cute when we moved here...
he told me he would like to try some new dinners
(he is super picky and I usually stick to a rotation of about 8 meals)
So. I have been all over pinterest trying to find new ideas.

The past/future meals include:
Parmesan chicken bake
sweet and sour chicken with fried rice
Pesto pasta with sauteed veggies
homemade pizza
enchilada lasagna
Baked penne pasta
Honey Chicken and fried rice
Avocado chicken Parmigiana
Mexican Haystacks
Chicken Enchilada Soup

If any of these meals sound good to you
go check out my Yummy, yummy in my tummy board 
on Pinterest. 
Or you can find photos of the meals on my instagram
screen name: sarahjanemiller

It has been a lot of fun. 
Today I made fabulous Cinnamon Sugar Pretzels. 
Recipe came from one of my favorite woman
Elisabeth Gringeri
check it out on her blog:


  1. haha yes! your dream of being a stay at home house wife is coming true...i want to hear more about what this job deal was! can't wait to make those pretzels. dave is a lucky man! xo

  2. I've got to try the pretzels. They would be perfect for my kids to help with. Love you Janie!

  3. Ahhh...I had about three job situations like that last summer. Not fun. I wasn't smart enough to run away from them like you were though.


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