Friday, August 24, 2012

Utah visit and weddings galore

Thanks to my amazing parents, 
I was able to fly home for two of my favorite cousin's weddings. 
I had only been in Gainesville for five days before I flew home. . . 
and I was so happy I did! 
Beware.. photo overload of all my favorite people. 

Gracie Jane is always making silly faces...
she is hiding behind a bookcase waiting to surprise Terese.

Jackson never smiles on command...

The grandkids met before when brady was a newborn. 
But now they got to hold him. ADORABLE.

They were so happy to hangout with their new cousin!

Nothing is better than running through sprinklers with these two cuties. 

He thought this was a real bike. 

I love these two kiddies so much!

Zoe's wedding!

Proud father walking her down the aisle. 

The whole shindig was at the canyons resort...
beautiful ceremony in the mountains. 

 The happy newly weds walking down the aisle. 

Brad's grooms cake. hilarious. 
He grew up in texas.

Beautiful and delicious.

I have the best sisters in the world!

 A few of my absolute favorite boys!

I always love the daddy-daughter dance. 

Zoe and I went on trips to Oregon every summer of our teenage lives
to visit these cute kids... now they are all grown up!

Yep, we got to ride the Gondola up to the party...
the view was incredible!

He was my little buddy the whole trip,
ps he has the cutest giggle in the world!

Just relaxin in mommy's arms.

Jackson and pa were matching!

My Grandpa and Nan's new pup.. Roxy
She is so adorable, makes me want a puppy!

I can't stop snapping photos of this cutie, 
he is a little angel. 

Phoebe's wedding!

These boys are too cool for me now, 
handsome fellas. 

The youngest and cutest cousin, 

The happy couple!

Everyone says we look alike, 
in fact people confused us in high school. 
I take it as a major compliment!

I love the temple!

Here are those handsome boys again.

Everything about the wedding was simple and elegant. 
Phoebe and Devon made the cake!

Jackson loves his uncle Sam!

My little buddy.

Phoebe was emotional around her Dad all day, 
it was so sweet.

I didn't get any photos of the dancing
but they had this folk band playing fabulous music 
and everyone was line dancing!

Sorry for the picture overload. 
Can you tell my trip to Utah was fabulous!?
I made it back to Gainesville yesterday. 
And being with Dave at our new home is the best!
Time to being our new adventure together :)

1 comment:

  1. so happy you had so much fun but glad you're back to dave :) :)


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