Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gainesville Florida

After approximately 38 hours in the car 
and 6 long days...
we made it to our new home. 

As you might know, 
I absolutely hate driving in the car for extended periods of time
(or any form of travel for that matter)
I usually get sick. 
Well... that was not an option this trip because my sweetheart
was the one getting sick enough for the both of us. 

Dave loves to climb. 
Hence the reason he spent the 6 days, before we left Utah, in the Mountains. 
After speaking to medical professionals,
we discovered Dave was bit by a very vicious and poisonous spider on July 30.
Five days later, he 'stumbled' into poison ivy. 
Having no current insurance for him (due to quitting our jobs and moving to Florida)
we relied on medical professionals we knew for help. 
Dave was put on an antibiotic and off to Florida we went....
We made it to the lovely Albaquerque.

Ate a fabulous burger at the Standard Diner..
(yes, I always got hurt while climbing right before we left.
sprained some muscles around my elbow.. they think? insta care doctors...)

Something about being in the car all day makes a good plate of food look 10 x better.

When we were done with dinner, we went back to the hotel so Dave could soak. 
Soaking turned into extreme pain. 
He told me it felt like his skin was melting. 
He said it was an 8 on a 1-10 scale. 
He was in tears from pain. 

We thought about going to the ER ( WITH NO INSURANCE!)
Luckily, the pain subsided with the help of ice.
This picture does not do it justice. 
It looked like puss filled bubbles all over both legs. 

Since the pain mellowed, 
we headed to Austin Texas the next morning. 
My uncle and his family live there and we figured making it to them 
would be a lot better than being on our own in Albaquerque. 

We stopped at my Dad's all time favorite BBQ joint...
they just lift up the lid and ask what you want. 
Wrap it up in paper and weigh it and give it to you. 

Cooper's BBQ was fabulous... but nothing is like my Dad's BBQ.

We arrived in Austin and went straight to an urgent care. 
A large medical bill later...
Dave was given a steroid shot as well as 10 days worth of oral hardcore
antibiotics and steroids. 
We decided to extend our stay in Austin in order for Dave to rest. 
My uncle and his family were so generous and we are so grateful for all of there help. 
We truly wouldn't have survived with out them.
Especially because I hate road trips and couldn't have done it with 
Dave being in that condition. 
Luckily, Austin is a fabulous place. 
With the most delicious food I have ever tasted. 

This is a picture of the most amazing burger.
Black beans and corn burger.
Basil pesto.
Chipotle Mayo. 
Delicious veggies.
Homemade multigrain bun. 
Go to HOPDODDYS if you are ever in Austin. 
Truly mouth watering. 

 This is taken at another one of my Dad's favorite BBQ joints in Austin. 
Yummy Rudy's sauce. 

It is actually a gas station. 
The place is packed. 
no parking in site. 
Long lines everywhere you go for food. 

Since we love ice cream so much. 
We had to stop at Austin's best...
They even serve it while doing cool tricks.

Isn't my cousin Maya gorgeous!

Belgian chocolate.
Malted vanilla.
cookie dough mix-in. 
the best ice cream I have ever had. 

We truly enjoyed our extended stay in Austin. 
I highly recommend it for a vacay. 
Thanks to Chris, Mayumi and Maya for all their love and support
while we were there. 
We left early Friday morning for another long day of driving. 
We passed through several states..




And we stayed in pensacola,

The next morning we headed to gainesville. 
we made it. 
hot and humid. 
crazy bugs. 
small apartment. 
just me and the husband. 

we are so excited for our new adventure. 
more details to come. 


  1. Wow that looked like a crazy adventure! I am so glad Dave is better, that looked so scary! Have fun in florida! You guys will do amazing things out there!

  2. I love reading your blog! Hope Dave is doing better. Looked like you guys had some tasty meals!

  3. I'm seriously thrilled you were able to go to Hopdoddys. It is amazing. I'm so in love...we eat there once a week. I'm going to miss it so much in Utah. Rudy's is amazing too, did you try the creamed corn? What a fun adventure you two are starting.


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