I am always happy to do product reviews.
{see an example of a review here & here}
I would love to hear from you with any fun ideas.

If you are interested in sponsoring, 
I have a few different options and I would love to chat with you about pricing. 

For any questions regarding statistics or anything else, please email me.

Feel free to grab one of my buttons:

200 x 200

just the two of us


  1. Would love to swap with you--I'm just starting to really grow my blog too. You can ad your button to my blog via Passionfruit on my Sponsor page. My Swap Ad is free with code provided & I'm also offering my Best Ad free with code FRIENDS. After you apply, feel free to grab one of my buttons for your page!


  2. I'm doing free swaps on my page, too. Just visit www.LashesAndBeard.com and go to my sponsor page, then select the ad size and package you'd like - it's free with the code SWAPITTOME. I also have my buttons available on the site under the button page. :)


  3. I'd love to do a button swap. Let me know if you're interested.

    Kimberly @ mypinterestreality.com

  4. I would love to swap with you. The promo code for my Little Baby space is SWAPME.

  5. I would LOVE to swap with you!! :) I just adore your blog and your wedding photo makes me happy!!

  6. Ok, I obviously have serious memory problems because I forgot your button swap promo code. Forgive me, with our move coming up I am all over the place!!! Can you email me? :)


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)