Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Living your life like a Senior Citizen (101)

I realized I am living my life like a senior citizen,
at least in one area of life. 

I lived in Florida from August to May
with a three week Christmas vacation to Utah. 
I will be living in Utah from May to August. 

Weather in Florida from August to May
does not get below 50 in the day. 
(and 50 is really rare, it hit 80 a couple times in January)
Weather in Utah at Christmas means snow... 
magical, and very much needed to convince me it was Christmas.
Weather in Utah from May to August
is usually between 70 and 100.
And it is DRY heat, not humid heat. 

If that is not living like a senior citizen, then I don't know what is. 

Hello Utah, I have missed you. 
We have some catching up to do. 

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  1. Yay for being back in Utah! :) I can't imagine celebrating Christmas in fl, it doesn't always snow where I'm from but it's def cold to the bone

  2. YESSSSSS. I'm so happy you're here! We just invited you to a blogger meetup. I sure hope you can come!


  3. Sounds like the life for me! haha Plus that picture, DEF not living like a senior citizen in that ;)

  4. Well that sounds like a great way to live to me!

  5. I love that now that you are living in different places and experiencing life. I am currently looking for senior apartments in Ohio for my mother, hoping she can lessen the burden of a house and travel as well! Good luck to you!


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