Friday, March 22, 2013

Five for Friday.

This week has been a long one. 
So I am thinking I need some positivity in this here post. 
Here are a five fabulous things that are happening as of late. 

1. Free Date night tonight. 
They are opening a new Red Robin in Gainesville 
and they are offering people free meals on the days before they open 
so they can train their waiters. 
Free is my favorite price!

2. I got a free dress. 
Eshakti is my new favorite place to shop online. 
They have adorable clothes. 
And they shipped me a new dress.. 
I can't spoil it though so just be excited for a review next week. 

3. New blog Design. 
This lady is re-designing my blog.
And I am SO THRILLED about it. 
I will give you one little secret. 
Think mountains.

4. I loved reading this article. 
Seriously, please take a minute and read it. 
Especially if you have ever been curious about what I believe in
It is written by a non-mormon
and he explains the basics of our beliefs incredibly well.

5. This guy is my new favorite.    

Cheers to the weekend.


  1. I got a free eShakti dress, too. (well, I opted for a skirt). An unbiased article by a non mormon? Is that possible? I will read...

  2. that's awesome about red robin! enjoy it! and I too got a skirt from eshakti. I want to order more!

  3. Aw man, a free meal at Red Robin? That's awesome! Seems like an exciting week for you!


  4. Loved reading this. Stoked for your new design. And I want an eshakti dress. I've never had one. But I want one. Now.

    Enjoy REd Robin!


  5. I love mountains and can't wait to see what you do with the design. Anything mountain related is perfect though. Also, wasn't that article so great!? Hope the steak fries were as good as I remember them to be.

  6. FREE food at a great restaurant? sign me up. that sounds a great date night! can't wait to see the new blog design!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you on Bloglovin!



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