Monday, February 4, 2013

(Nosotros) somos jovenes

Yes, my husband helped me with this fabulous title. 
google translate it, dare ya. 
Sometimes I plan my blog posts ahead of time. 
Sometimes I don't. 
Today I planned to tell you all about my Superbowl experience. 
I was going to tell you about the fabulous cake balls that I made that looked like footballs
 And about the fabulous party we went to with people from Dave's department at school. 
And how I totally didn't really care about the football game, 
I claimed to cheer for the forty-niners because of Steve Young, yep I am that cool. 
All I cared about were the commercials...  and yes, this one was my favorite:

I was going to tell you about how much I loved the half time show because
it took me back to all the fun times with my single lady girlfriends. 
And I was going to tell you about the most adorable baby that was at the party. 

But really. 
All I want to tell you about is how much I wished I was at my family's superbowl party the whole time. 
Celebrating the superbowl is a tradition in my family. 
Every year we go all out. 
Basically we make every party food that you could ever imagine.
There are always five different kinds of dip for chips. 
My favorite little kiddies are there to play with when the game gets boring. 
And all the men are there for when I have 'real' questions about the game and what the call was. 
It is basically a holiday to me. 
This was my first year EVER that I didn't get to go to this shindig. 
 I missed it. 


  1. It is really hard being away from family. Time to make your own traditions. It's up to you. :)


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