Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My First VISIT!

Remember that time I went to DISNEY WORLD?!
Yep. That happened last weekend. 
I haven't posted about it because our friend took all the photos and I haven't been able to get them yet. 
It was the most magical day. 
And I felt like I was seven years old again. 
I even saw tinker bell fly from the castle as fireworks were behind her in the sky. 

There are definitely perks to living in Florida. 
And getting inexpensive resident tickets to Disney world is one of them!

hopefully more details about our magical experience to come soon...


  1. Your very first visit? WAHOOOO! Can't wait for all the photos and stories!

  2. I have been to Disneyland many times, but never Disney World. I look forward to your posts about your magical experience.

  3. YAY! Disneyworld. ONE BILLION times the magic. So glad you went. And I can't wait to hear more and more and more and more and more. I am Disney obsessed.

    xo. Deidre || Love, The Skinnys

  4. YAY!! How fun! I've never been to Disney World (one day!) But good news!!! We are going to DisneyLAND in two weeks! First time with the Hubs!
    Can't wait to see all of your fun pictures!

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  6. Cheap tickets to Disney (and most theme parks) is definitely a perk of living in Florida! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!


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