Sunday, February 10, 2013

Inspired by LOVE

This is one of my all time favorite love quotes. I remember hearing it while I was in high school and I remember thinking how I couldn't wait to feel that way about someone. I couldn't wait to get home after a date and be so in love that I literally didn't want to sleep because my dreams could not be better than the love I had with someone. I remember when I started to feel this way about Dave. It was in December of 2009 that I first told him I love him. I gave him a book of pictures I had made and I remember writing a personal letter to him in the back of it, telling him that I knew I was so in love with him because of this very quote.

Love is an incredible emotion. It is an emotion that makes me strive to be a better person. Love makes me want to serve others. It makes me want to work hard at the things I am doing in my life. It makes me want to make the bed in the morning so we can have a nice bed to go to sleep in at night. Love makes me miss Utah because I love so many people there. It makes me cry even when I feel happy too. Love makes me realize that it is the only thing I need to be happy. It makes me stay true to who I really am when life gets hard. It is an emotion that makes me want to cook dinner and clean up the apartment. Love makes me be my best.

My love is certainly not perfect. I do not always act on the love that I feel for people. But I am so incredibly grateful that I feel love in my life because it really does inspire me in so many ways. I hope you will be inspired this week by the love that you have for the people around you.


  1. this is the cutest post sarj. love YOU!

  2. Great quote, but I still need my sleep at night. ;) haha

  3. I love these little inspiration series you and El do. I am also inspired by love - love with me and my husband, but also little glimpses of love I see everywhere - sun after a week of snow, the first graders at my school holding hands down the hallway, anything.

    Hope you're having a great Sunday!

  4. loved the quote and i loved this post! i LOVE love!

  5. hey there. i'm Laney. a new follower from a blog hop. would love for you to follow me. i'm following you now. I'm glad to see someone else loves quotes too. I love this one myself. I'm thankful to know there's lots of ladies on blog who are in love and has love and it gives me the faith and hope that one day I'll find "My True Love".

    I need all the inspiration and faith that I need.

  6. Beautiful! Have a great Valentine's Day week!


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