Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Yearly Memory Jar DIY

One of my favorite ideas I found on pinterest was a memory jar.
We started ours at the beginning of 2012.
I found a basic sized mason jar and labeled it 2012
with a bunch of sticky notes and a pen close by. 
Throughout the year, we would write down little moments that we wanted to remember. 
I loved the idea because it wasn't an every day thing which made it stress-free!

I think it would be fun to read through all the memories on New Year's Eve
but we were in Utah and I forgot to bring our jar. 
So we went through our memories last weekend when we got home.
Here are some of my favorites from 2012:

-We went jet skiing in bearlake... Dave drove us straight into a wave!
 We basically went fully under water while on the jet ski.

-'I am handsome because you are beautiful! 
And two ugly people can't be together'
Quote from Dave

-SarahJane did her first v6 ever and flashed it.
She took first in the Ogden Front climbing competition. 

-Dave ordered a German Chocolate Shake at Shivers...
took one bite and threw it away in the 711 trash, where he bought a slurpee!

-The Leprechauns came and turned out toilet water green
and made us green pancake mix!
Happy St. Patricks Day!

-We had first row tickets to the University of Florida vs South Carolina game!
And we were on Sports Center!

-SarahJane passed her NCTRC Exam and became 
a certified recreational therapist!

-Dave got a full Teaching-Assistantship to Florida, 
Gainesville here we come!

There were many more fabulous memories of 2012 that we shared with each other. 
This was such a simple way to record fun events throughout the year.
We will definitely be doing it in 2013!


  1. I LOVE this idea! We're starting ours this year! What a great way to remember the year and I can't wait to read them all on New Years Eve. Ps my favorite was the quote from Dave, that's hilarious!

  2. I really want to start doing this this year, I just need a jar! Maybe we'll have to have spaghetti this week so I can empty one ;)

  3. That's such a sweet idea. I am always thinking of ideas in which to record things/memories. I've kept a diary since I was a child, then I transferred my efforts into my nlog, which will be great to look back on in years to come. And I always keep my end of year diaries, and keep things like tickets and certicates in a big box. but I'm so prone to clutter that bits of paper, or jars that build up every year, oh no it would be bad for me. I have to spend so much time throwing things away as it accumulates as it is. I'll stick to shoving things in one big box :-)

  4. love this idea ;)

    and love you two :)

  5. I really like this idea. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for becoming the newest follower of Standpipe and Sprinkles, Sarah Jane!

    It looks like you and your hubby live such a fun life; I'll definitely be checking in again. :)

    Have a super week!

  7. I've seen this idea a lot. I think we are going to try it out this year :)


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