Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Scrumptious Wednesday {my favorite green smoothie}

One of my new year's goals is to eat a more balanced diet. 
Basically I want to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in my day.
So in order to fulfill this, I have been making delicious green smoothies for lunch everyday. 
The specific recipe I use equals about 24 oz. and is pretty filling because I use it as a lunch substitute. 
It really is delicious so I hope you will give it a try!

3ish cups of spinach
1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1/2 lemon 
1/2 apple
1 banana
1 tbsp ground flax seed
1/4 cup raspberries
1/4 backberries
1/2 cup water

All these measurements are estimates because I usually just thrown in whatever looks about right. 
You really can put in as much as you want of anything on the list but these amounts seem to work 
great if you still want a delicious taste. 

I really love it so much, now all I need to is get Dave to taste it.
Let me know what you think!


  1. great!

  2. That sounds so yummy! I really need to register for a blender/juicer! Thanks for sharing!


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