Sunday, January 20, 2013


When I was in High school, I made the LIST. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about.  You know the LIST, the one where you write down every little thing that you want your future husband to have. I wrote a list like this several times in my few young single adult years I had before I got married. I was always adding things to it and taking things away. As I became more 'mature' or closer to getting married, I started to really look at my list and think about what really mattered to me. Did it matter that he loves watching sports? Did it matter that he was a BYU fan? You know what I mean. . .

Well let me tell you. My husband is meant for me in every single way possible. He is the most handsome man I know. Is he a brunette?  Nope. Does he love watching sports? Nope. He has all the things on the list that really matter to me. He loves me for who I am and doesn't try to change me. He has a strong testimony and has a close relationship with God. He loves family. You know, all the important things.

One of the things that was so important to me in my future husband was a man who lifts me up and encourages me to be better. A man who would Inspire me always. Dave does that very thing. He is always inspiring me to be a better person. Work harder. Play more often. Live life to the fullest. Love everyone I meet. Laugh at the little things. You name it, he is always so encouraging and inspiring. He does this for me by being that way himself. He is incredible.

This very day is this incredible man's birthday. I love him with all my heart and I am so thankful for the inspiration he is to me. Happy birthday Dave, I love you!

Don't forget to stop by Elisabeth's lovely blog to see what inspires her this week...


  1. Happy birthday Dave! Enjoy celebrating with your honey. :)

    BTW...I was on my normal running route the other day. I had my earbuds in and I was singing along to my praise music. I suddenly realized that my route takes me by the bayou on the golf course where those pesky alligators live. I had never thought of it before while on my run. I thought of your alligator post, my eyes opened wide, and I kept repeating to myself, "RUN ZIG ZAG!!" Thankfully, no green meanies were out! :)

  2. Happy birthday to Dave! I'm glad you have such a wonderful relationship!

  3. happy birthday dave! and i totally know what list you are talking about.


  4. I love these posts :) I definitely have that list. In fact, I think it's like a three page, typed document. Funny how some of the things changed over time. Dave seems like the perfect match for you!

    (and by the way, I just launched a new blog -- Would love to have you follow it. I'm trying my hand at this "real" blogging thing :)

  5. What a blessing! Happy Birthday to your man!

  6. Oh the "List". Don't we all have one lying around somewhere in our memory box ;-) Hope it was a fantastic day!


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