Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Textbook Rentals? ... a giveaway just for you!

My husband just went to the book store to try to sell his books back,
which he paid a lot of money for, and they did not give him a penny!

Call me old... yes I only graduated a year ago... but did you know people rent textbooks now??
Seriously, why didn't I ever think of that!
Have you ever heard of Campus Book Rentals?
They have amazing deals on renting textbooks and their really are so many perks to it:

-You save 40-90% on bookstore prices
-They ship the book and you ship it back for FREE
-You can still highlight in their text books
-Their renting periods are flexible with your school schedule
-There is a 30 day risk free return policy

Do you believe me yet?
While the coolest part about all of it is they donate part of their proceeds to 
An organization that provides free surgeries for children with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities. 
How cool is that?

My husband bought his Syntax book for $60 at the beginning of the semester
and now they won't take it back because there is a new edition (I swear there is a new edition every semester for every book!)

Okay, as one of my readers you should know that I am not going to promote something unless
there is something super cool involved for all of you. 
That being said, paying for textbooks is the worst thing ever
so Campus Book Rentals is offering Just the Two of Us Readers
a $25 gift card towards textbook rentals!
Fabulous? I think yes.

If you would like to enter this lovely giveaway all you must do is:
1. Be a follower of Just the Two of us- leave a comment and tell me how you follow.
2. Like Campus book Rentals on facebook here- leave a comment with your facebook name.

One lovely winner will receive a $25 gift card to Campus Book Rentals.
Giveaway ends December 21st at midnight.
Good luck! 


  1. Wow, this would be SO useful for me! My facebook name is Sarah Butler. :)

  2. And I liked the Facebook page. My Facebook name is Brittany Hendler. This is such a great giveaway!! I'm a senior in college so I'd definitely put this to good use!

  3. seriously i hate buying books more than anything.
    however we were able to send ours back to amazon this year so we got some money back.
    but seriously text books are such a rip off.


  4. love the blog!!
    great job!! :) keep it up!


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