Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I am going to make this place your home.

Okay- time to get a little more personal on this blog and share with you some of my thoughts as of late. 
I get to go home and see my family in exactly 11 days. I am filled with excitement.
You see, I moved to Florida about 4 months ago. Before I moved, I lived in Utah my entire life. 
The longest I had been without seeing my parents was three weeks. Yes, THREE WEEKS!
And that was when I went to Hawaii, so I was basically just enjoying paradise the entire time. 
To say this move has been hard for me would be the understatement of the century. 
The first couple weeks here involved lots of tears- I felt like I couldn't call my parents because 
I would cry every time we talked on the phone. -- but I would call anyway. 
I am so grateful for my family's support.

After the first couple weeks, I convinced myself I had to put on a happy face. 
We are in Florida for the next five years and there really isn't anything I can do about it. 
In order to help my sweet husband enjoy his education here, I needed to enjoy it too. 
With time, it has gotten better. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely break downs that happen often. 
But I try to make myself busy to make the time go by faster. 
It is hard. Really hard. 

I miss everything about Utah. I miss my family like crazy. 
I miss my mountains. I even miss the cold weather (don't quote me on this).
 I miss having lunch with my mom multiple times a week. 
I miss going to my Dad's favorite pizza joint with him on Saturday's.
 I miss our weekly Sunday dinners with family. I miss being so close to so many different temples. 
I miss Cafe Rio. I miss running into people at the grocery store that I haven't seen forever but avoiding 
them because I don't feel like talking to anyone-- admit it, you do it too.
 I miss my girlfriends. I miss having four seasons in the year. I miss being surrounded by mormons. 
I miss being surrounded by so many people that love me. 
I miss everything. 

I hope you are currently playing the song above (if not, go click play)
 It is called "Home" by Phillip Phillips. 
I have no idea what the actual lyrics of the song mean or why he wrote it. 
BUT. This song has gotten me through my thoughts this past 4 months. 
I truly feel like it is meant for me. I feel God's divine love for me through this song. 
I know He has guided Dave and me to this point in our lives
and I know without a doubt that Florida is where we are supposed to be. 
I know with Him, I will never be alone.
 I know if this is where we are meant to be then He will make this place our Home. 
Every time I hear this song, it brings a smile to my face. 
And I suddenly realize, yet again, that everything will be okay. 


  1. It is really hard to be away from what you know as home. I know this first hand. As hard as we tried, we could not get a job "back home". When my dad retired he and my mom moved by us. We wouldn't be living near each other if he hadn't done that. But, I know that the places we moved to were by the design of my Heavenly Father. Looking back I can see how it has all played out. Hang in there, you are learning and growing and cleaving to your husband.

  2. This post brought a tear to my eye. I know exactly what you are going through. I hate to tell you but going back to Florida after Chrstmas is when it's going to be REALLY hard. I think you are amazing Janie. I love you so much and think about you often. I can't wait to see you. I, too, love that song.

  3. It'll get better. It may take a while but you'll find a little thing you like about FL every so often. My family moved all over the place while I was growing up and I hated it. I didn't have a single friend my last 2 years of high school because I was in a new school and nobody cared to make friends with the new girl when there was only 2 years of school left. So I guess what I'm saying is through all that even though I hated it and it was hard I tried to find little things I liked and it really helped!

  4. I found your blog via the GFC Blog Hop and I'm am your newest follower :) I was so glad to finally click through to a new blog with such a raw and real post from the blogger, instead of just a "Pinterest rocks!" or "These are all of my favorite TV shows!" post. Being away from family is so hard when you're close to them. I was in Europe for a mere ten days once and missed my family so much, I can't imagine being so far away permanently. I'm 45 minutes away now and sometimes it drives me crazy. I hope your next ten days flies by and you enjoy your time with your family to the fullest extent! Take a million pictures too!


  5. This is such an honest post. I've never been far from my family, but I imagine that if that time comes I'll feel just like you.
    I also agrees that God knows what he is doing. Even if it's tough on us!

  6. You are so brave! And you are doing so well. That would be way hard! In the end I think you will love Florida and be sad to be coming back. Keep it up lady! You are an inspiration!

  7. Oh, I'm sorry it has been rough. Moving in general usually is and especially if you haven't been away before or for very long. I hope you settle in soon and feel more at peace in your new home. ;-)

  8. don't worry you're not alone...the crying...not uncommon at all, just ask Paul about me last year, or ask me about me last year (although I am not sure if it was getting married or moving), florida was at the bottom of my list and now I am grateful that I am here everyday. Also I grabbed you an institute schedule for next semester, also I am going out with the sisters tomorrow night if your interested in coming. Being near family is wonderful, but having your own adventure is as well, and there are so many opportunities to serve here :)

    this one makes me cry, there was one night I watched it like 20 times and cried each time

  9. if i could i would truly give you my spot in utah.
    i feel like everything you love about utah is everything i hate. haha
    i'm more of a big city person and i hate the cold.
    i like neutral weather with little fluctuation.
    however, i hope things get better for you, your florida is my utah.
    if i can do it, you can do it.
    i don't have any family in utah until recently a few cousins.
    utahs not for me, so come back and take my spot!
    i've made it through the past 4 years, so close enough.
    you just have to make due, you adjust, and maybe you will totally love florida!
    good thing we have technology so we can talk to our moms!


  10. Keep your chin up! You are doing a great job! I will say a prayer for you I know how hard that can be. I promise it will get better:)

  11. Embrace it. Honestly. I have mentioned to my husband how homesick you reference yourself to being, and it makes me think about when I was first married, and my husband got an internship 3 hours away from our hometown. I hated it and cried and we went home every other weekend. But it sorta left me not being able to fully connect with my husband because I was still so attached to my parents. Then we left for Idaho, and we were able to make that our home and love it. Nebraska is hard, but I love having time to just be US. We lived with our families for a bit, and it sucked- I mean, I love my family, and I do want to live closer- but I am so grateful that I was truly able to become the person I was meant to be- and not the person I was expected to be because of how I was raised, but who I want to be for my new family. I now dream of moving back to the place where my husband first had his internship- a place I once hated. Idaho only became a joy when we started to get involved in what the area has offered.
    I mean honestly, I envy you in Florida. At least you have warm weather and beaches. Nebraska has corn....and I miss my California home. But I am so happy to be here, experiencing a new life that I never could have dreamed of would have occurred before. Being home sick is natural. Just think, one day in 20 years or whatever, you can relate to your kids! It's a good thing. =]

  12. First off, I love that song! Second I can only imagin how you feel! I'm super close with my parents and that would be so rough on me as well. I'm sure that its relieving to join forces with Florida and to start making it your own home! I'm excited to follow your journey!

  13. You are such a strong woman! I couldn't imagine living in another state than my parents. The longest I've gone without seeing my parents is a little over a week which was when we went to visit my husbands family in Washington. I hope you have lots of fun when you come back over here(:

  14. Ten years ago I moved from PA to NC with my now husband. We didn't know how long we would be there. And I felt "trapped" in the decision. It ended up we were only there for 2 years and then moved back to PA but it had to happen in order for us to move forward with our lives, get married, have kids. So I can completely relate with how you feel. Missing home was so hard. It takes a good while for a new place to feel like home. But you are relying on God and He will never fail you. You will get through it and likely you will discover so many joys along the way. Blessings to you girl!

  15. i love you! this is so cute..and we LOVE that song so much too, it is perfect for moving away and starting a crazy adventure! so glad we both get to be home soon. PS enter my giveaway now! i just posted it and i want you to win since you're so lucky with them!!! xoxoxoxox

  16. Hi there! I'm a new follower. I'm absolutely crazy about this song :) I'm glad you'll be home soon! xoxo, eliza

  17. I know how you feel :(
    When we moved to San Antonio, away from all our friends and family. It was SO hard. It's just now (a year later) getting better. You have an awesome attitude, friend. You're right. Being where God wants you is the best place to be!
    You're wonderful and so is that song!

  18. Things get better by the minute, it works out that way!

  19. I can only imagine how hard it would be to be away from my family for that long. You are doing a great job at handling it and making the most of it! Know you have a friend that is a couple hours away and would love to visit you if you need it! Can't wait to make Florida your home away from home!

  20. I can't even imagine being this far away from family. You are one strong lady, but I know you'll be blessed for it! So excited for you that you get to see your family soon!!

  21. love this song, and love these personal posts. it's so hard to be away from family. especially this time of year!

  22. I also had a hard time when we moved away from family. At first I let it show and didn't care but I also had to decide to put on a happy face even on the days that I want to come home more than anything. I didn't want them to worry and deep down I knew that we were where we were supposed to be. I'm so glad to hear that you have a supportive family and take comfort that it's where God wants you and therefore can't be wrong, that's what really helped me. And you get to see them SOOOON! Have a blast!

  23. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! I'm following back and love your blog! :)

  24. Aaawwww...This is a great post! It's no fun being so homesick, but you'll get through it. I've never visited Utah, but it sounds like a great place to live. My dad lived there (in the mountains) for his last years. Maybe some day I'll be able to visit. I've never lived anywhere but Northern California! I can't imagine what it would be like to live in another state. Hang in there! You'll make it. =0)
    New follower here and glada to have found your blog.

  25. As long as you're with your husband, you're home...even if it's far away from the rest of all the loved ones you miss. I can't imagine what it's like to adapt to Florida weather from Utah. Night and day!! Just hang in there hun. It will all work out. I greatly enjoyed reading this and getting a little insight into you as a person. I'm your new follower.

    Come visit our Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you will!! It's a great and easy way to get followers to your lovely blog/website or to your Twitter/Facebook, etc...
    Link up your website and pages too! Aloha Friday Blog Hop {HERE}

  26. I can't tell you how much we miss you!! Me especially. And Brady. Can't wait for you to come home for Christmas. It will get easier (living away). You'll look back on it and be glad. I love you!


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