Monday, October 1, 2012

weekend recap & my go to dessert.

Yay for Mondays. Not really. But why not attempt to start the week with a positive attitude. 
We had a fabulous weekend, filled with:

-Fun date night at Satchel's Pizza with friends... the best Pizza and I am a total pizza snob. 

-One of Dave's climbing buddies came to town with his girlfriend for the day. We took them to the Gainesville Rock gym... they are from Utah so they weren't impressed but fun to see them!

-We found Dave a golf bag for 10 bucks at Goodwill- score! 

- I convinced Dave to get a new pair of jeans, finally! (His old ones had a big hole in the crotch, normal?) And I may or may not have gotten a polka dot chambray shirt...

-Loved watching the General Relief Society Broadcast. The messages were much needed. 

-Late night ice cream run and movie in bed. 

-Sang songs during church with all the primary kids to practice for the program. 

-Ate dinner with friends and enjoyed the traditional Sunday night dessert and games.

-Skyped with both our parents- we kind of really miss them a LOT.

Lastly, I thought I would share my recent go to dessert 
for when people ask me to bring a dish somewhere. 
Thanks to my sister. 

Cookie Brownies

For the brownies I make them homemade
but you can use a box or find a homemade recipe that looks good to you. 
I always have cookie dough in my freezer from making cookies recently.
Really, you can use any homemade cookie dough recipe. 
You pour the already made brownie mix into the pan,
add clumps of cookie dough throughout. 
Bake @350 for about 35-40 minutes. 
It is delicious and everyone always loves it. 

How was your weekend?


  1. This looks delicious, I can not wait to try it!

  2. i have yet to wear my polka dot chambray top but i can't wait to wear it!

    late ice cream runs are my favorite!

    that cookie brownie looks delish!

  3. Following you back:)


  4. Yum! I must try these brownies!

  5. you have such a lovely blog. thanks so much for following/commenting on my blog! i've never had cookie brownies! they look to die for.

  6. Oh my YUM! What a GREAT idea! I'm totally doing this! :)

  7. The Primary Program is my favorite Sunday of the year! :-)

    Glad you had a great weekend.

  8. um why have i never had this dessert before? next time we see you you are making it :) and who came to visit??

  9. Sounds like a great a relaxing weekend! And I LOVE cookie brownies!!!! They are a perfect combination of two delicious things!

  10. Yummy! :) I'm a new follower :)

  11. I love this post! It sounds like a perfect weekend all together. I loved the broadcast too. And thanks for the recipe!!

  12. Yum. Cookie brownies is such a great idea!!!

  13. Oh my!! Those brownies look amazing!! Wow!!

  14. Oh yes, I love those. We made some recently and I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.

  15. cookie brownies?! that sounds amazing!!

  16. I remembered reading this recipe a little while back and needed an easy treat for a party. Giving this a shot. Thanks always for the little upbeat thoughts and stories. From one uprooted Utah mountain girl to another. :)

  17. Found you from the link up, and I am scoping out the blog. These cookies look ah.mazing!


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