Monday, October 29, 2012

The Aussies.

A few weeks ago I got the sweetest email from a lovely woman named Kirsty.
She blogs over at Unspoken Conversations
and she is from Australia!
I am over at her blog today blogging about
Core Beliefs of Mormons
Don't forget to go check it out :)
Kirsty is here to tell you about all the amazing outdoor adventures
to be had in AUSTRALIA!
Take it away Kirsty...
*Big cheesy grin, widely waving my hand* from Australia! I'm Kirsty and I blog over at Unspoken Conversations.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE traveling the big wide world but sometimes I feel guilty when I fly back into Australia and realize how many truly amazing adventures that there are to be had in my very own "backyard" so to speak.

Australia is a crazy place. Some places look like this:

Simpson Desert Via

 While others look like this:

Far North Queensland - one of my FAVORITE places in Australia via

Yes, it SNOWS in Australia (mainly in Victoria!) Via

Which means - that that there is pretty much something for everyone in ONE country.

These are some of my favorite (must go and see and do things) in Australia.

1. Being a beach bum. There's a beach for everyone in Australia - whether you like kicking back in a deck chair or plastic floaty with a cider in hand, snorkeling, surfing, skiing, or boogy boarding and the BEST thing - you don't have to step over bodies and fight for a place on the beach!

One of my favourite  beaches!
Me just kicking back!
2. Snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. It's an absolute MUST if you visit Australia. Imagine sailing along in a catamaran, soaking in the sunshine, with wind in your hair, and then diving into the crystal clear water and discovering a whole other world down there - it really truly does look like the imagines in Finding Nemo!
Anddd you get to swear super sexy stinger suits like this!
I HIGHLY recommend going by Passions of Paradise (a catamaran out to the reef from Cairns if you get to!)


3. Swimming in waterfalls! Another favourite in Far North Queensland is swimming in the freshing waterfalls (and sliding down the rocks!)

Me at Mossman Gorge!
4. Swimming with dolphins! Are you getting the picture yet that Aussies (okay big generalization) LOVE all things WATER? haha one of the MOST amazing experiences that I have EVER had was swimming with dolphins - they are gorgeous!

The Bottled Nose Dolphin (this little guy) is the most common in Australia Via
5. Road trips - one of my most favourite things is just to go on road trips! There are some truly spectacular places to see.

Including this along the Great Ocean Road Via

Ayers Rock! Via
6. Camping. I love love love nothing better then sitting around a camp fire, toasting marshmallows and staring at the stars. AMAZING!

I'd love love love for you to come and visit so that I can show you around! There's so much more to Australia than Sydney!

Look after yourself and those around you,

Kirsty xxx

Don't forget to pop over and say hi! I LOVE meeting new people! Unspoken Conversations

Thanks for guest posting for me Kirsty!
Don't forget to pop over to her blog to see what I wrote about
The core beliefs of Mormons


  1. Australia looks so beautiful. If the plane tickets weren't so expensive, it would definitely be a place I'd want to visit.

  2. I really like what you wrote on her blog. Simple, clear, and to the point :)


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)