Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I know. two posts in one day. this is a BIG DEAL though. 
Remember when I had the two missionaries over for dinner?
Well, two weeks ago, the church changed the missionary age. 
{it was a craze in the blogger world... huge deal!}
Women can now go at 19, instead of 21
Men can go at 18, instead of 19. 

wasn't my husband such a cute missionary??

I was just reading on KSL news and listen to this...
{this is a response, to a tweet, from the church- given last night} 

"As Church leaders had anticipated when the change was announced, the number of individuals who have begun the missionary application process has increased significantly. Typically approximately 700 new applications are started each week. The last two weeks that number has increased to approximately 4,000 per week. Slightly more than half of the applicants are women."

What an exciting time we are living in. 
I am so grateful for this change. 
We are truly going to see miracles!


  1. Wow, no way! 4,000! They need to expand the MTC now!

  2. God is so good!!! Thanks for sharing, girl!

  3. It's so amazing!! I love seeing the church grow and I think this new step will make a bigger difference than we can imagine. :)

  4. Wow! That's an incredible surge in applicants! And makes more sense, especially for the women!

    Your husband looks like a cross between a missionary and a cop. I think it's the sunglasses. :o)

  5. That is AWESOME!! I love hearing those statistics!

  6. awesome! your husband does have a couple of looks going on there! ha I would throw military in the mis of those listed above.

  7. So so so happy about this! Yay!!

  8. My sister is among this group. She is 19 and called my mom crying when she found out. She's filling out papers, getting check ups- ready to serve The Lord! It's an amazing change for the church!

  9. It is so exciting! I have been wondering what the numbers would do until I found that article.

  10. I work at the Church Office Building and it definitely was a crazy and amazing week last week for those in the mission department. It will be so awesome to see how this affects the growth of the church!

  11. eep!! it's so exciting! except that means my sister is peacing out in two years, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. ha

  12. That is so awesome! I know several young women who have put in their papers since conference. Your husbands picture reminds me of some I get sent home from my son.

  13. If you don't mind me saying, yes, he was!! Missionaries totally helped us big time when we were living in Korea. Our apartment was directly across from an LDS church and we ran into them daily!! At first we avoided them ( we had had some really bad experiences with religion) but they were so kind and sincere we looked forward to talking with them.


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