Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Love is Loyalty

Every time Elder Holland gets up to speak, Dave and I get way excited. 
He just has this way of being so spiritually stern. 
Instead of highlighting parts of his talk... 
I really just want you to go watch it. 
It was incredible!


  1. It is so cool to see how everyone picks out the same mind blowing sayings from the Apostles. I took notes, and I see all these fabulous clip arts and such on the things I wrote down. We all recognized the prophetic nature of the messages.

  2. This is absolutely fantastic. I LOVED conference this past weekend.

  3. Love your blog! You are beautiful, girl! xx.


  4. His talk was seriously incredible!! I've already re-listened to it about five times this week! I love how you describe him too..."spiritually stern". It's so true. He seems like the most down-to-Earth, but doesn't mince words when it comes to snapping to and becoming a true disciple of Christ.

    PS: I'm one of Holly's friends and she speaks so highly of you!! I love your blog!! :)

  5. That was my favorite too :)



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