Thursday, October 11, 2012

Enjoy the Little Things {3}

week 3. 

-Skyping with my baby nephew who is already 5 whole months old! And he even giggled for me too!

-Reading the most amazing book this week. Can't wait to share it with you soon. 

-Winning my second, third and fourth giveaway! wahoooo! Details to come of course!

-Dave telling me that I am getting 'stronger' at the climbing gym-- seriously this is a big deal, he doesn't say it very often. 

-The most fabulous phone call with my Dad. I sure do love him. 

-A phone interview for a potential amazing job. Details to come on this too. 

-If you have been reading my blog all week, then you would know I really enjoyed General Conference-- It isn't really a little thing but I loved it!

-Talking to my bestest friend in the whole world on her birthday! I miss her like crazy. 

-Receiving a $200 refund in the mail from our previous car insurance company in Utah, Wahoo!

-Dave coming home, finding out we got a $200 refund and telling me we should celebrate with Panera... I have taught him well!

-Remember how I won my first giveaway a few weeks ago? It arrived in the mail. Check out the picture below... Cute huh!? Thanks Ashley!


 Can you tell I felt awkward taking a photo of myself in the mirror?
Hence the reason my face is not in the picture, I couldn't keep a normal face.. haha
Happy weekend!

What little things did you enjoy this week?


  1. I love getting things in the mail like that! Love the scarf :) What a fun giveaway to win!

  2. Hi! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I'm following you back! :) I'm loving your blog, and yeah, I really don't know how I wasn't already following you before--I've seen your button around the blogosphere everywhere! haha

    I love this post... you look super cute in your pics (not awkward at all!). And congrats on winning all those giveaways! I wish I could do that... haha

    Anyway, I look forward to reading more from you!

    What's in a Name?

  3. General Conference definitely was great :) And I love winning giveaways! Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier, following back!

  4. Cute scarf! Sarahjane you gotta teach me your ways in winning giveaways... but serious, how'd you do it?? :)

  5. So cute! I like that you can wear it so many different ways. And seriously, send some of your winning vibes my way!

  6. 200 bucks in the mail! so freakin awesome! i miss panera so bad. i heard the nearest panera to utah is like, in arizona or something. something that i've enjoyed this week is everton learning the moves to the head, shoulders, knees, and toes song :)

  7. Love this!I won my first giveaway a few weeks ago as well and I was beyond excited. There's nothing like getting free stuff!

  8. love this post. loving life is all about the little things.

  9. cutie in the scarf! how are you getting so dang lucky with these giveaways?? love all these little things and love you!

  10. haha! I feel the same way about taking pictures of myself in the mirror. I always smile in pictures but picture of myself is weird to smile in. Thanks for visiting me! Im your newest follower!

  11. Sounds like you have a lot of great things going on, hurray! I love happy posts. :)

  12. Cute scarf, great win!

    Thanks for stopping by our blog today. I'm now happily following along with you as well!

    julee @

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love the scarf.
    Not sure if you saw my earlier post but I am having a giveaway, feel free to enter!

  14. Hi Sara Jane, I'm Anne from Life on the Funny Farm ( visiting from the Friday Chaos.

    Wow, so much going on; so many GOOD things! Fantastic...

    Anyway, it’s nice to "meet" you. I hope you can pop over to my blog and say hi sometime if you get the chance.

  15. You are totally working that scarf, my friend!!!

    I need details about these other giveaways you won!! You are on a roll!

  16. I'm following you back! CUTE scarf! ..and I totally feel awkward taking pictures of myself too! I always have to take like 50 to get a normal looking one. haha!

  17. Such a cute scarf! Happy to be your newest follower from the weekend blog hop! :)

  18. Winning all those giveaways is definitely fun!

  19. Thanks for the follow. I'm now following!!! I love this scarf and the different ways to wear it!!!

  20. CUTE scarf! Doesn't winning giveaways kind of just make your day??

  21. Hooray! I love all these things! :) I'll cross my fingers for you on the potential amazing job!

    Thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is SO cute. Happily following along now! Hope you'll stop by next week for my find + follow friday hop :)

    ♥ Nicole @

  22. Yay for Conference! And yay for other Mormon bloggers. So glad I found you on Friday Chaos. I'm your newest follower!

  23. omg! cute blog! I love your header, and that scraves <3
    anyway, I've followed your blog. mind to follow me back? <3

    come and see my blog,

  24. FOUR giveaways won? That's awesome! Kind of obsessing over that scarf :D

  25. I'm pretty jealous of your giveaway wins! I never win anything :) haha Your blog is so cute. The picture you have as your header is to die for!
    Newest follower!

  26. woohoo on wining giveaways! you have to share what you have been winning

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