Tuesday, September 11, 2012

today's exercise.

Do you ever have those nights
where you go to bed thinking...
i am going to do a way intense workout in the morning.
And then you wake up and say
ya right! 
that happened to me today. 
(like most days)
I am sure many of you are familiar
with Jillian Michaels
'thirty day shred'
I have been doing that workout
on the days I don't climb or go for a bike ride.
I am sick of Jillian. 
She gets old and just wasn't motivating me this morning.
So I hopped on to my Pinterest exercise board.
And found this lovely pin...
(I normally would never post a picture of a woman like this,
I don't believe in 'the perfect size woman' but the routine is
on the photo. credit to: http://talesofadomesticmama.blogspot.com)

it takes about 15-20 minutes. 
and it was a great little workout. 
i highly recommend it. 

I dare you to give it a go.
let me know what you think :)


  1. I would totally give this a go if I'm not yet in the p90X program. I just started yesterday so wish me luck! 2 months ago, I used to be able to do tons and tons of jumping jacks - now, my legs start to hurt at the 5th one. I wish I never stopped working out :(

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)

  2. I'm totally doing this ! I still have some baby fat to get rid of !!! Thanks for sharing, and some visit me on my blog !

    My Blog - A Pretty Nest

  3. sarahjane! girl of course i will come follow along! Since we officially stalk each other on instagram now, i feel we can take this relationship to the next level :)

    excited to be your newest follower and read about your adventures!

  4. Great workout advice! It's so hard to workout pregnant I think I've been able to successfully work out 8 days since I got pregnant. haha (:

    Dearest Lou

  5. I should start doing this!


  6. New follower from the Blogworking Wednesday Hop! This looks like a promising workout...now if only I can start a routine! Love the chevron background on your blog, by the way :)

  7. Pretty bride! new follower - hope to get a follow back!http://pjgraves51.blogspot.com

  8. I'll have to try this work out today, I love that it's short but effective!

    new follower via the blogworking wednesday hop :)



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