Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today I love my husband because...

Every time my husband and I have been in the car together this week, he fast forwards the CD in the player to Michael Jackson. Not only is it Michael Jackson but it is 'Man in the Mirror.' My husband hardly ever sings.. but I LOVE listening to him sing. I actually love his voice and whenever it starts getting good, he goes way high and starts laughing. 'Man in the Mirror' is his current favorite song to sing to. I have wanted to take a video so many times but I know as soon as I whip out the camera, he will stop singing. So until I can put a hidden camera in the car... just imagine how amazing it is.

Isn't he smokin hot?
I sure love this man. 


  1. Sarah, thank you for stopping by "this little light"! I'm so glad you did, because I clicked right on over to find you and I think your blog is fantastic! Your Man is adorable, too ... love that he embraces the MJ!

    Just happily became your newest bloglovin' follower!

  2. My husband has a beautiful singing voice and often starts laughing when he sings too. Men are silly.

    And? My husband loves MJ too. Ha.


  3. Sarah ~ I love MJ...hubby not so much so it's nice when it comes on and he doesn't immediately turn the channel!
    Aren't are hubbies great!

    I'm a new follower from Bloglovin Return the Favor Hop.

    Would love for you to visit me over at Raising Reagan!

    Raising Reagan

  4. How sweet of a post!!!! Your blog is adorable. :) Thank you for finding and visiting and commenting on mine :)
    newest follower here!!!!
    have a great day!!!

  5. Haha, you have to find a way to record it!

  6. Man in the Mirror....great pick!!!

  7. I have my fiance singing call me maybe, the one time I posted it he did not talk to me for a week til I agreed to take it down, BOYS!

    Newest follower from the mingle

  8. Awe such an adorable post! My husband rarely sings too. Hopefully you can get a secret video and post it on here soon (;


  9. That is so cute :)


  10. Well hello! Just found your blog today, and I've had such a lovely visit here. Enjoy your post about your hubby, and liked all of your wish wardrobe additions, oh, and congrats on finding a job! How exciting! So nice to "meet" you my dear...look forward to following along on your adventures...

  11. Too cute :) I burst out into song whenever I hear Man in the Mirror too. I love MJ.

  12. cute blog glad I found it! Found you through "Link and Mingle". New follower. Follow me back via GFC? Still new to the blog world and love new followers!

  13. Hi! I found your blog today through the loving the weekend blog hop. :-). I'm now following.


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