Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Holy War

 O Rise and Shout the Cougars are out
Along the trail to fame and Glory.
Rise and Shout, our cheers will ring out,
as you unfold your vict'ry story. 
On you go to vanquish the foe
For Alma Mater's sons and daughters.
As we join in song, in praise of you, our faith is strong. 
We'll raise our colors high in the blue,
and cheer the cougars of BYU.

Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra,
Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, 
Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra,

So it's game day. 
the holy war. 
It's kind of a big deal. 
Byu vs. Utah.
Since I am not in Utah, 
I won't be watching the game with my family. 
and it will be starting at 10 pm. 
really? lameo. 

 freshmen year. 
I miss having season tickets.

 The biggest BYU fan to ever walk the earth 
and best Grandpa ever!
I know he is rootin' for them in heaven!

Good luck Cougs, go get em!


  1. Hi! Just wanted to leave a comment and say I just found your blog through Deidre's over at Love, The Skinnys. I loooove your blog and am glad I found it. You are a natural beauty! I'm your newest follower! :) If you want, you can check mine out at
    Keep up the amazing work!

  2. go cougs! haha you and i both have u of u husbands...i'm trying to stay loyal but still create harmony in the house! luckily jared and i aren't crazy fans where we rub stuff in each other's faces.

  3. haha go utes! 3rd time's the charm! xo


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