Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Dinner

 The first year and a half of our marriage
we were blessed to live so close to both our parents. 
We love our families, 
they are incredibly generous 
and we are so thankful for all they do for us!
They would have us over for Sunday dinners every week. 
(We would switch off)
And let me tell you. 
My parents and my in-laws sure can cook!

Now that we live in Florida, 
our Sunday evenings are very different then we are used to. 
Luckily we have met some really fun people 
that usually invite us over for dessert and games
so we don't miss home too much. 

Tonight I made what I would call a 'Dave' dinner. 
Dave and I have different taste.
If it were a 'me' dinner it would probably be vegetarian.
Not that I am vegetarian, I just love substituting veggies for meat. 

On the menu we had:
Parmesan Chicken Bake
 Romano Cheese Mashed Potatoes 
and green beans. 
It was a delicious Sunday dinner. 
So I thought I would share the recipe links.

Parmesan Chicken Bake

Romano Cheese Mashed Potatoes 

As for the green beans, 
I love to do a can of the french cut style
and I add salt and pepper. 

I hope you are having a happy Sunday. 
We are off to enjoy dessert somewhere. 

linking up here

What are your favorite Sunday recipes?
Does your family usually get together on Sundays?


  1. I'm very close to my family and I hate that now I live so far away from them. We live in Florida too and they live up in the Midwest. I only get to see my parents one week every year and it sucks. My husband's family lives far away too. So it's just us. We barely even get to eat as a family let alone have family dinner get-to-gethers. I wish we could do more like that

  2. I LOVE the idea of Sunday dinners! I have always tried to organize them but our families just aren't into them which makes me sad! someday we may not live as close and maybe they will miss us ;) I do try to make it a tradition in our home though!

  3. Loving the idea of a Sunday dinner! I really should cook more. This all looks amazing!


  4. I couldn't agree more. It's been over two years and Sunday is still the hardest for me. How about I just hire you to come be my full time nanny and chef? Oh wait, I don't have money to pay you. But you'd do it for free, right? ;) Sunday dinners are just not the same when you are the one doing all the cooking and cleaning.

  5. We're Italian so we always do Pasta Sundays :) My husband is in the Army so we've grown to love our Army family and the dinners we share with them. Makes being away from home easier!

    Thanks for sharing...looks yummy!

  6. Thanks for following and linking up!


  7. aw your blog is so cute!! glad you found me, following back:)

  8. Yum, that Parmesan chicken bake sounds so delicious!!!

  9. just the two of you... best thing ever! ... And hello! Thanks for sharing a delicious recipe; I know what's on the menu this week! xo

  10. that looks just too yummy for words, my tummy is now growling! :)

  11. looks delicious! my husband and i are the same way! i could seriously just eat a salad and maybe a small serving of pasta for dinner. he could too, but he would definitely still be hungry. this looks so good though!


  12. Sunday family dinners are my favorite :) That's one thing I really miss about being near my parents. Forrest and I try and make something good every Sunday though. I think something that reminds me most of sunday dinners from growing up is roast beef, rhodes rolls, and mashed potatoes! We made the most delicious roast a few weeks ago from a recipe I found on pinterest -- it was a Dr. Pepper roast. Totally recommend it.

    I've been wanting to try that parmesan chicken bake...maybe I will make it tonight :)

  13. That dinner looks amazing! Yum :)


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