Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Let love guide

Thanks for all your love yesterday. My first day as a nanny went really well and I am excited to be with the kids tomorrow, so it really must be good.  I was scrolling through some of my favorite quotes for today's post. Aren't powerful quotes just the best thing ever? I honestly love reading something that inspires me.

I am in a world of new. Yes, I have been in Gainesville for almost two months now but it still feels brand new. Every where I go, every one I see, and everything I do is new. Change is hard for me. I am one of those people that enjoys new experiences but I always like to go home at the end of them. After two months of being here, I think I have finally realized I am not going home. Florida is my home.

I know what you are thinking. How does this quote even go along with what I am saying? Well. . with every new thing I am doing it is easy to be discouraged, frustrated, angry, etc. However, if I let this quote seep into my soul... 'most of all let love guide your life' ... it seems to me everything just begins to fall into place. The more people I meet, the more love I strive to give to them. The more things my sweet hubby needs me to do because he is so busy, the more love I strive to give to him. The more unfamiliarity's I face, the more I strive to embrace and love change.  The more I am away from my family, the more I am filled with love and gratitude for all they do for me.

I am not saying it is easy. But. I truly believe if you LET LOVE GUIDE your life it will be so much easier. And. You will be sincerely happy.

Happy Tuesday :)


  1. good luck with everything going on in your life! and i agree because i have seen it first hand many times...we become what we think about....
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy Tuesday!

  2. I am a sucker for quotes that either really pertain to my life or just give me chills. The quote you posted is definitely one of them! Ill be thinking of you as you adjust to the new.

  3. Well said. I definitely know what you are talking about. I feel out of my comfort zone most days here in Paris but I love what I'm doing and I love that is pushes me and challenges me in ways that wouldn't happen back home. Plus you appreciate everything and everyone at home that much more. Your pretty little button is all set up on my blog :) Its a beautiful little addition! Thanks!!

  4. What a beautiful quote. I totally understand that moving to a difficult place can be hard. We moved 2 hours from my home and I'm still adjusting!

  5. Distance does make you realize all those little things that our families have done for us. I definitely appreciate my mom more and more.
    xo TJ

  6. Hi there! I'm a new follower from the blog hop and would love a follow back at www.sugarplumsandlollipops.blogspot.com Don't forget to follow me on twitter & Pinterest. I follow back all of my twitter & Pinterest followers :)

  7. Hi there! Stopping by from the PureJoy Blog... love this post. So true. That's awesome that you are a nanny... I am one as well! Can be such an awesome job (but very trying sometimes)!

  8. Where did you move from? We live in Tampa and came to Florida from Lexington.

  9. I love quotes. I really like how you plan to incorporate it in your everyday life!

  10. Hi! Thanks for the follow, I'm following you back! I hope you enjoy being a nanny!


  11. i agree that quotes can be really inspirational. sometimes you need someone else to put what you're thinking or feeling into words!

    Fancy {No}Pants

  12. you have such a cute blog :)

    I'm your newest follower from the GFC blog hop
    Followme@ www.studentswife.com

  13. agreed!
    good luck! Florida must be so nice!

  14. Have you read "The Secret" ? It sounds like silly self-help stuff but what you said goes right along with it. I'm developing my own personal mantras of how I live life and it's totally true. :)

  15. Great post! I have been in my new town for 5 months and everything feels brand new to me haha!

  16. I love this quote.... thanks for the inspiration :)


  17. Hey there! Just stopping by! What an inspirational quote so early in the morning. Thank you! <3

  18. Moving in a new environment must be hard. I'm living in my hometown for all my life, but planning to move someday. Hope this quote will inspire me when the time come.
    Btw, i'm a new visitor here, and i love your writing. I followed you on bloglovin to keep myself posted :)


  19. Thanks for always being positive! To tell you the truth, I'm just sick of new experiences. Haha

  20. goodness this post hit so close to home, you have no idea!

    husby and i have moved around so much these past two years, three new cities wiht no friends or family around, so its been hard adjusting.
    so i can relate, that quote is powerful and a great reminder every day!

    thanks for linking up:)


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)