Friday, September 7, 2012


blogging is a fascinating thing. 
I like it a lot. 
it gives me the opportunity to journal about our lives
with lots of fun pictures.
(i hope you like the new layout)
it is fun to have lots of people read.
and i want to ask one little favor of you readers..
if you enjoy stopping by then
would you mind going over to the left side bar
and clicking 
join this site.
all it does is make you a follower
which means
you will get updates via email
so you know when i post something new. 

i love having people read along
i hope now you will follow along 
thanks :)

isn't she a doll?


  1. Hey, you're Elisabeth's favorite rock climbing buddies! Gotta love the blogging world ha.

  2. we are your newest follower! Thanks so much for thew sweet comment. We need to be pinterest friends too!
    - Christy

  3. I am having a blast reading your blog, and I think we have a lot in common!


I always love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by :)