Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Fall Favorites

Sorry for being MIA yesterday.
My blog was accidently marked as spam
and took forever to be restored.
Did that happen to anyone else ??
it was lameo.

Can you tell by the wreath I made
that I am really missing Fall weather? 

In order to make me pretend it is Fall
I thought I would list my top 5 things
I am excited for this Fall. 

1. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread. 
I love so many recipes in the Fall
but this is definitely my all time favorite. 
Link to this delicious recipe here

2. The Fall Leaves Changing Colors
Granted this won't happen in Florida
a girl can pretend, right?
photo taken up Rock Canyon in Provo.

3. Pumpkin Carving
Dave is totally the master at this one. 
I love cooking the pumpkin seeds!

4. Fall Clothes
Basically wearing cardigans and boots again.
But now I am excited to wear pants too!

5. Cuddling
This is going to sound funny
but Dave hates cuddling when he is hot. 
So basically he hates it all Summer.
I can't wait for him to like it again :)
Photo credit to dustontodd photography

Are you experiencing Fall weather yet?
What are you most excited for Fall? 


  1. new follower here! loving the red chevron :) happy weekend to you!

    xo, amanda

  2. That pumpkin bread look soooo good!!!

  3. Fall is definitely my favorite time of year! When I went to the store the other day, I definitely stocked up on my cans of pumpkin :) I'm excited for cooler temperatures, heat and I don't go well together.

    And I noticed that your blogs were deleted. You had some post on your blog that I couldn't read, so I clicked on it, and your blogs were gone. I was so confused! Glad you got it sorted out

  4. I was wondering where your blog went, glad it was fixed! well, we moved to baltimore. its nice to have seasons again:)

    haha, ur hubby is funny.... you better SMOTHER him when its colder;)

  5. Pumpkin chocolate chip bread????? That sounds like the best idea ever.

    I know you almost fainted when your blog was gone. That happened to me once for about an hour and I almost went nuts trying to figure out what was going on!!

    1. ashley-- I was literally dying. It lasted all day. I thought all the memories were gone. It was sad. Good thing it is back :)

  6. Hey girl! I just got your comment and tried to respond but your e-mail isn't on the setting where I can reply to your comments. Will you email me your email address? I couldn't find it on the site. Let's talk Gators, UFville, etc!! :))


  7. pumpkin chocolate chip bread? i've never heard of such a thing! wow! going to have to add this to the list.
    and sorry about your blog! glad it's been restored!


  8. couldn't agree with these more! love you darling and can't wait for fall! let's share recipes since we can't live in the same place and make pumpkin bread together. xo

  9. Ooh pumpkin chocolate chip bread and fall clothes... I'm already getting excited too! thanks for visiting my blog, I'm a new follower :)

  10. yes to all the things!! except i shall cuddle with my lil pup. ;)

  11. how did you know it was spam? and how did you get it back?
    and please consider turning off the captcha codes. i have to use speech-to-text program due to my nerve damage and i can't use that with captcha

  12. i'm obsessed with pumpkin things in the fall! pumpkin bread.. pumkin cookies... and i do love my boots and sweaters too :)

    andrea brionne

  13. Yes we are! I can't wait for all things Halloween!

  14. That pumpkin chocolate chip bread sounds scrumptious! Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I am from Florida so I def know where you are coming with the no-fall thing!! We just moved to MN a year ago while my husband is in law school so it's my first time getting to experience a real fall and I love it!!! My favorite part is all the leaves and getting to light fires in the fireplace. We'll be moving back to Florida when school is done so I'm just enjoying the seasons while I can!
    You and your hubby are so cute! That's funny about having to wait for cool weather for him to like cuddling! Haha. Glad we found each others blogs! :)

  16. That Fall clothing selection is more than perfect! I would rock that every day if I could!
    xo TJ

  17. visiting from Katie's hop. I love fall weather too and am so ready for it!!! :)

  18. I'm ready...where are the cooler's still so hot in Utah. Lovely photos the last one is my fav. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  19. i agree with each and every one of these!! ;)

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